Discipleship 2020 | January & February

January 17 was such a sweet night kicking off the new year and our focus on Discipleship. The sanctuary was transformed into a beautiful space for eating and fellowship. The food was divine—the recipe for that night’s salad is linked in our February email. We had the opportunity to hear from Kaitlyn Peterson, Olivia Pendley, Alyce Smith, and Jennifer Waddell about how the Lord has been using discipleship in their lives. Over 120 women gathered together for this event, and it was a huge blessing to all who were a part of it.

Discipleship 2020 Women’s Groups


We are so excited about all of the groups that have begun this month. We have 20 groups meeting— at least one group meeting every single day of the week. There are nearly 140 women participating! We are praying the next six weeks is full of encouragement, growth, and connection. If you are not currently a part of a group and would like to be, contact Stephanie Seawell at 205-310-7678.
