Worship with us
Every Sunday at 10 AM in-person or online.
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Our Philosophy of Worship
As humans, we give our attention and affection to the things we believe are most important: our kids, safety, future, job, spouse, or independence. Whatever it may be, we think about it all the time. That’s worship.
Tragically, none of these things can deliver what we truly need. Instead, God invites us to worship Him. He alone is able to give us what we need most— a steadfast love that accepts and values us despite our imperfections.
But the going is slow. We learn to worship God week by week, day by day, moment by moment. As we read the Bible, sing, and pray, God actually changes our hearts and changes what we desperately long for. Worshipping God above all things reorders our love for all the other good things in our lives. At Trinity, it is our joy to worship together each week as we direct our minds and hearts to the only One who is worthy of them.