Who: Women of all ages! This will be an opportunity for women across our denomination to gather to learn and worship together.
What: It does not take much to divide us as women. Age, opinions, race, preferences, comfort, conflict or any indwelling sin can find us quickly separated from God and one another. And yet fundamentally we are more alike than different. Last words can be both precious and profound. Jesus uttered some of His last words to us on His way to the cross in His high priestly prayer, “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21ESV). You see, our unity with Him and one another is not only imperative to Christ, it is ultimately a matter of life or death…will our unity compel the world to believe in Him? Our oneness will either validate or negate the claims of the gospel. We pray you will join us at a ONE conference in 2018 where we will challenge women to think biblically rather than emotively about oneness from the truths found in John 17.
Key Note Speaker: Courtney Doctor is an author, Bible teacher, frequent conference and retreat speaker, and periodic blogger. She received an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2013 and is the author of From Garden to Glory: A Bible Study on the Bible’s Story (2016). Her greatest desire in all of this is to be able to faithfully study, apply, and teach the Word of God.
Where: New City Fellowship, Chattanooga, TN
When: October 5-6, 2018
Cost: Registration $75 (Before August 1) Lodging will be an additional cost. Register here
Contact Liz Moore for more information about going as a group. There is a limited number of spots in an Airbnb home for those who would like to stay together.