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What is Deeper?
Deeper is a three year initiative to grow us deeper with Christ and for others. We will be trusting the Lord to provide deeper leaders for deeper ministries in deeper spaces. The initiative includes investment in new staff and a new building that will equip us for the ministry that God has given us.
Looking Back
Many of us could share stories of what God has done in us, our families or among our friends. We’ve found a church home that is warm and loving because of the glorious riches of God’s grace. With our own stories God has blessed us with growth:
Membership growth by over 80%
TrinKids has doubled
Student Ministry rising
Preschool at capacity
Women’s Ministry expanding
Men’s Discipleship established
Giving nearly doubled
Missions budget increasing
Building fully utilized.
Looking Ahead
With our growth, we have an opportunity to know God more closely as a church and to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Generations could be shaped through our children, families and friends. And, the Lord has placed us at the center of the fastest residential growth area in Tuscaloosa.
There are over 600 homes projected to be built within walking distance of Trinity, and thousands of people projected to move to our zip code over the next decade. Moms, dads, kids and friends, many who will need to hear the gospel for the first time. Others will need a church home with leaders who will be with them as they raise children, navigate the complexities of life, walk through loss, and sin in their own lives. And with them we could go with Jesus’ voice and as his hands and feet into more classrooms, offices, neighborhoods and places across Tuscaloosa.
As his people deeply rooted in his love, we will bear witness to God’s kingdom in increasingly diverse ways. We will share good news with the hopeless, seek justice for the oppressed, and promote the common good of all. Deeper will press us into our vocations and into partnerships and ministries that touch the university, neglected parts of our city and lives on the other side of the world.
Deeper Three-year Goals
Over the next three years, we’re focusing all of our generosity (tithes, offerings) into one fund. This goal of $9 million includes all current giving as well at $4.5 million in additional giving over the next three years. Our current budget, growing as it has, would get us roughly halfway there already!
Our Primary goal
That 100 percent of our people would commit to the life & vision of our church. Giving itself becomes a way to grow Deeper.
Our Secondary goal
$9 million in generous giving to do what we believe God is calling us to do to grow Deeper over the next three years.