What does it look like to parent our kids in a Christian way? How do we teach them to be brave, compassionate followers of Jesus in this world? How do we help them deal with disappointment, failure, and rejection? How do we love our kids in ways that challenge and comfort? How do we steward well the gift of parenthood for the furtherance of God's Kingdom on earth? We all want to be good parents, but we know that we will often mess up. We need patience, grace, perseverance, and wisdom. 

Here are some tools to help you as you seek to make disciples under your roof!


Grace Based Parenting (W Publishing Group), by Tim Kimmel 

The Happiest Baby on the Block (Bantam), by Harvey Karp 

To Train Up a Child (NGJ Ministries), by Michael and Debi Pearl 

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (Avon Books), by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish 

Give Them Grace (Crossway), by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson 

Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Shepherd Press), by Tedd Tripp 

The Mission-Minded Child (IVP), by Ann Dunagan

The 5 Love Languages of Children (Moody), by Gary D. Chapman

The Strong Willed Child (Tyndale), by James Dobson 

Hide or Seek (Revell), by James Dobson 

"On Fairy Stories": An Essay by J.R.R. Tolkein

"The Fantastic Imagination": An Essay by George MacDonald

The Jesus Storybook Bible (Zonderkids), by Sally Lloyd-Jones 

Belonging and Becoming (IVP), by Marc & Lisa Scandrette

This Ordinary Adventure (IVP), by Christine & Adam Jeske