3/14 An Update From Richard:
Dear Trinity Family,
I am writing to update you on our response to the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the last 48 hours there have been confirmed cases reported in our state and city. Our pastors, session, and staff have continued to follow developments, seek wise counsel, and pray for the Holy Spirit’s blessing and protection.
We think that it is best to suspend our Sunday worship service and Sunday School tomorrow March 15. We are asking you to join our livestream worship service online at 10AM if you are able. All of the worship elements that had been planned will be included then. We will also be providing the liturgy with song lyrics for your use at home. This was a difficult decision to make. It is so good to see each other’s faces and hear one another’s voices. God has brought us into his family by grace and it is good for us to experience his renewal together. As difficult as it has been, we believe this is the right decision to love our neighbors well. God is King so we humbly join the efforts to limit this virus’s spread in our community.
Please continue to share with us in God’s work of renewal by grace in the following ways:
Pray. If the virus limits our time together, let’s be more intentional about remembering one another in prayer. We have begun a prayer list specifically for those impacted, which you can add to here.
Support. Your willingness to give of yourself can make a great difference in people’s lives.
Consider making additional contributions to our mercy fund through alms giving here. There will be needs in our community that result from the spread of the virus that we want to help meet. We will keep you updated about particular needs as they arise.
Let us know of other practical ways you can help others using our Community Support Form. This might include preparing meals, running errands, babysitting, etc.
Receive care. Please use our Congregational Care Form to share your needs with our staff and church leaders. You may also call our church office at 205-391-2111. We will respond as soon as we are able.
Thank you for your love, care, patience, and ministry-mindedness as we bear witness to Jesus’ coming kingdom. There is still much that we do not know about this situation. Additional updates will be provided later this week and as needed. We take heart for “the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave his life for me” (Gal 2:20).
I am thankful to serve Christ with you,
3/13 UPDATE:
Friends, we are making the following adjustments to our Sunday morning service:
We will continue with our 10 am worship service this Sunday, the 15th. Please note that we will not have Sunday School.
Rather than pass the offering plates during the service, our deacons will be stationed at the doors after the service to receive the offering as you leave.
Coffee and donuts are suspended this week.
We are also suspending our greeting time. Children will still be dismissed for TrinKids worship as usual.
If any additional precautions will be necessary for March 22nd, we will let people know by Wednesday of next week.
3/11 UPDATE:
I’m sure by now most of you are aware of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are receiving direct updates from the CDC and will continue to follow their lead and the guidelines issued by other local, state, and federal agencies.
We will continue our cleaning and disinfecting protocols to provide a clean and healthy facility for our guests, members, students, and children. For now, all ministries of Trinity are operating as usual.
Our facilities are equipped with liquid/foam hand sanitizer dispensers in the lobbies and children’s areas. Please make use of these as you are in our building.
The best way to prevent spreading the virus is to follow these CDC recommended hygiene practices:
Please stay home when you are sick (7 days minimum is recommended).
Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue to cover it, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Additionally, you should feel the freedom to politely decline handshakes if that makes you feel more comfortable in our church.
While the full impact of an outbreak cannot be predicted, planning for operations under such conditions can lessen the impact. The health and safety of our congregation remains a top priority. We will keep you updated if any additional precautions become necessary.
Finally, please join us in prayer for those impacted by this virus, for those serving the sick, and for God’s protection and provision. Most importantly, let us remember our true source of protection … “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)